Some projects do not fit into the category of serious interactive design. So I called them interactive weirdoes – they are not commercial, often explorative, conceptual ... either way practically useless, so to say. Most of them are designed in Flash, and we'll see when I get time for uploading them :)

Interactivity in transition spaces
Interactive DVD presentation, main menu - Flash. Part of a MA diploma project.

Interactivity in transition spaces
Animated project visualisation. Flash. Part of a MA diploma project.

Interactive hypertext story
The story devided into sentences, each of those make separate slide where mood is created by the meaning and layout of letters. Some words in a story are buttons leading to other pages depending on how reader wants to read the story. MA study project.

Interactive postcard with sound effects, Flash.
"Welcome to hell" - a little memory game
Interactive memory game (with sound). It was made loooong ago, during my studies in 2000 in Finland.