I have experience in product launch for the Norwegian market: shop display material, advertising, insale.
Other projects i work with come from service-based clients, such as DnB NOR Eiendom.

DnB NOR Eiendom, Norway
(at Papaya design & marketing)
Print and web marketing of new feature of home page of DnB NOR Eiendom
Print & web advertisements "Visning i full bredde". In print 2009-2010.
Industry: Real estate

DnB NOR Eiendom NYBYGG, Norway (at Papaya design & marketing)
Print advertising for DnB NOR Eiendom NYBYGG
Advertisements "Med fra starten" in different formats for newspapers Aftenposten, Bergens tidende, DnB NOR EiendomsMarkedet.
Industry: Real estate
Client: Leaf, Norway, Norway at Papaya design & marketing), Norway
Product: Läkerol Xtreme launch
Industry: Food
Client: Leaf, Norway (at Papaya design & marketing)
Product: Läkerol Split launch
Poster for bus stop.
Client: Leaf, Norway
Product: Läkerol Christmas print campaign
Poster for shop display.
Industry: Food
Client: Leaf, Norway (at Papaya design & marketing)
Product: Leaf brands - innsale material (to the left - Läkerol Dark launch), retail material, advertisements.
Industry: Food
Client: Unilever, Norway
(at Papaya design & marketing
Product: Knorr Wet Soups launch
Industry: Food
PulsApoteket, Norway (at SanaPharma)
Product: Add template, pharmacy material, mobile campaigns, DM, PowerPoint.
Industry: Heath
Apotek1, Norway (at TBWA/OSLO)
Product: Rollups. Print adds for Aftenposten.
Industry: Heath
Client: GO123b, Norway (at Sana Pharma)
Product: Template print add
Industry: Dietary supplements
Client: VitaeLab, Norway (at Sana Pharma)
Product: VitaePro print adds for different magazines in Sweden
Industry: Dietary supplements